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Selected Publications

"The Not So Bella Figura," The Italian Insider.

Brexit-unplugged. The Italian Insider.


Driving Like an Italian. The Toronto Globe and Mail


America Loves a Good Fascist.The Italian Insider


One Vote for Letterman Los Angeles Times 

Discursions on life, literature, and travel


Lisa Colletta is Professor of English and Director of the English Writing, Literature, and Publishing Program at the American University of Rome. She has lived in Rome since 2009 and has published several books and numerous articles and essays, both scholarly and personal.


Lisa’s scholarly interests are humor studies and the literature of travel, both of which inform her own literary traveling and response to place. She is a contributing columnist and travel writer for The Italian Insider.

"Dark Humor & Social Satire in the Modern British Novel is a work filled with breadth, depth, and savvy."

- Regina Barreca, University of Connecticut

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